Why Distracted Eating Can Make You Fat

Plus, beat overeating with these 7 'mindful eating' tips!
Do you multi-task while you eat? Checking your email perhaps, or watching TV, or even talking on your mobile? All those distractions could make you fat.

Why? If you don't pay attention while eating, your body may actually "forget" that you've eaten and crave more food later, according to a recent study conducted at the University of Bristol in the U.K.

In the study, participants were split into two groups -- with one playing on a computer game while eating lunch; while the other ate without distractions. The researchers found that the distracted group were not only worse at remembering what they've eaten, but also felt less full and snacked more.

Jeffrey M. Brunstrom, the senior author, says the results suggest that people often consume more food if they were engrossed in what they were doing. "Memory plays an important role in the regulation of food intake, and distractions during eating disrupt that," he explains.

In other words, if we don't remember what we put into our mouth, this absent-mindedness lessens our feeling of fullness and sends us reaching for afternoon snacks. "If you can avoid eating in front of a computer screen or any other activity that distracts you, that might temper the tendency to snack later in the day," adds Brunstrom.

So start cultivating 'mindful eating' habits and you could eat your way to a slimmer bod. Mindful eating is about keeping your mind on your meals and "listening" to your body's cues that you're full. To help yourself eat more mindfully and curb overeating, try the following:

Mindful eating tips

Just eat, and don't do anything else. Be fully present and in-the-moment during mealtimes -- no watching TV, no phone, no playing computer games, no surfing the Internet, no checking email, no reading the newspaper.

Take 20 minutes to eat your meal. That's the time it takes for the brain to register that you have eaten enough, say experts. Don't wolf down your food!

Savor your food. Focus on enjoying every bite, taking time to relish the flavor, texture and aroma.

Eat at a table with a place setting. Making a meal seem like a meal will help you remember that you ate an actual meal.

Ask yourself if you're really hungry before snacking. If you're reaching for that bag of chips out of boredom, distract yourself by going for a walk or reading.

Don't get too engrossed in dinner convos. If you're eating with family or friends and the conversation turns intriguing or intense, pause occasionally to focus on your fork.

Don't eat while driving or have a meal on-the-go -- period.

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