Nail Care Guide: 10-Minute Manicure

Quick-and-easy manicure you can give yourself at home.

Give yourself this quick-and-easy manicure! Learn your best nail shape, how to file, buff and more with our ten-minute DIY manicure guide.

The best time to treat your nails to manicure is just after your shower or bath, when your nails have just been cleaned.

Step 1: Trim and Shape the Nails

Decide what nail shape best complements your hands:
  • The current trendy nail shape is short and straight, with the edges like a rounded rectangle.

  • Use your the shape of your cuticles as a guide: if they're oval shaped, square-cut nails are suitable choices, but if your cuticles are more pointy, oval-shaped nails work better for you.

  • Long tapering nail tips complement delicate-looking hands and long fingers, while heavy-set hands with short fingers and wide nail beds look best with squared-off nails.

  • Trim your nails to the appropriate length that will suit your lifestyle and the condition of your nails. They shouldn't be too long if your nails tend to chip or if you always engage in activities that might break your nails.
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