Skin Dehydration & Air-Conditioning


Working nine-to-five in freezing cold air-conditioning is taking its toll on my skin. How can I bring back the glow to my complexion?

You're right to be concerned when the first signs of dehydration start showing up. As a dry complexion can accelerate the ageing process, it's way better to seek help and treatment now rather than later. There may not be much you can do about your working environment, but following these dos and donts will definitely improve your situation.

If you haven't already done so, invest in a quality moisturising cream or serum and apply everday in the morning before you leave for work. For makeup, choose an emollient foundation or base with a creamier texture to protect your skin from the constant exposure to air-conditioning.

To boost the moisture level in your skin, don't forget to drink your eight glasses of water a day. A diet rich in vitamin A and C also help, so eat your fruits and veggies.

Night time and weekends are probably the only time your skin can take a break from all the air-conditioning, so make sure you get all the help you can to bring the glow back. Use a night moisturiser before bedtime, so the emollients can sink in while you sleep. Avoid taking a bath or shower using hot water or rubbing your face vigorously with a towel after washing – these can strip the skin's natural oils and aggravate dryness.

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