Flushing, Blushing and Rosacea

Suffering from facial flushes? Find out how to deal with it.
Common Rosacea Triggers
Triggers vary from person to person, and so do the intensity of flare-ups. However, there are a few common ones that are worth staying away from.

Climate and environmental factors include temperature changes, sun exposure, cold and wind, even steamy baths are best avoided. The wrong diet can also make rosacea worse, so note your eating patterns and keep track of trigger foods: Common culprits are hot caffeinated drinks such as tea and coffee, spicy food and alcohol. And because your skin tends to be sensitive, your skincare should be mild and fragrance-free, and avoid harsh ingredients like alcohol, menthol and astringents.

Rosacea Treatments
Light glycolic acid peels are often used together with antibiotics to control rosacea. A series of peels performed every one to two fortnights along with a doctor-recommended skincare program.

Intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy is a non-invasive procedure that is often performed to help reduce blotchiness of the complexion and broken capillaries. IPL makes use of flashes of bright light to reach the deep layers of the skin, targeting pigmentation and vascular problems. Significant improvement in the skin tone and texture can be observed after a series of treatments.

Thread veins (spider veins) called telangiectasias can also be effectively treated with laser therapy. During the procedure, laser light of specific wavelengths are emitted to target the visible blood vessels under the skin, the laser's heat energy causing them to collapse.

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