Miscarriage: Coping With Pregnancy Loss


My husband and I are trying to conceive again after a miscarriage three months ago. But I still find myself unable to deal with the loss, even after all these months. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to get over it. Is this normal?

It’s perfectly normal to experience grief over a pregnancy loss, even guilt and depression. But you must understand that it’s not your fault – pregnancy complications can happen to any couple. And do talk openly with your husband about your feelings because mutual support and understanding is crucial for your healing process. If you need more support, you might also find it helpful to share your story with your family, friends and neighbours.

Grieving your baby takes time, but it is important to give yourself as much time as you need to recover emotionally before trying again. This is because if the parents conceive too soon after the miscarriage, they may be unable to fully come to terms with the loss and this may delay their emotional recovery as well as interfere with their ability to bond with their new child.

In fact, experts recommend couples giving themselves at least six months to recover emotionally before trying again. If you find yourself urgently wanting to conceive again, this is often a sign that you’re desperately trying to find a way to fill the void, and it wouldn’t be fair to the new child.

So, be patient with yourself and take time to resolve your pain before embarking on a new pregnancy.

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