20 Tips To Beat Emotional Eating

Pig out when you're stressed or bored? Learn how to curb comfort eating.
  1. "Reward yourself when you eat in a healthy way," encourages Solomon-Miles. Buy a novel, treat yourself to a new pair of shoes or get a manicure. Rewarding yourself is positive reinforcement and you're more likely to keep up with your new healthy habits.
  2. Get sufficient shut-eye. Ensure you're having 6-8 hours of sleep at night -- studies have shown that when people are sleep-deprived, they tend to have more food cravings.
  3. Give your kitchen cabinets and fridge a spring cleaning. "Throw out all that unhealthy studd that's waiting to sabotage your diet and start shopping more wisely," advises Solomon-Miles.
  4. Ensure you're drinking enough fluids. Sometimes thirst can masquerade as hunger when your body is dehydrated. Have a glass of water first then decide if you still need to eat that sandwich.
  5. Indulge in moderation. When you're truly craving for some wickedly delicious chocolate cookies, treat yourself to a handful instead of stuffing yourself to every other kind of food hoping that your cravings will go away.
  6. Or find healthier substitutes. For example, if you're craving ice-cream, trade it for a cup of low-fat yogurt.
  7. Don't skip meals just to lose weight! You're more likely to reach for the wrong foods and overeat when you wait until you are ravenous. Eat something every three to five hours -- three meals and a snack.
  8. If you find that you tend to overeat when you're stressed, find other ways to cope with tension. Try a slow walk in the park, meditation or a long soothing soak in the bathtub. Learning to relax with pleasurable experiences helps substitute your needs for comfort foods.
  9. Get active and make exercise a regular habit. Studies have shown that working out increases feel-good endorphins that cut down your cravings. Experts recommend at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise on most days of the week.
  10. Seek support from your family and friends because self-control can only take you so far. Let your loved ones know about your resolution to eat healthy -- they can play a part by not buying junk food home, or having dinner outings at all-you-can-eat buffets.
  11. Most importantly, don't give up or beat yourself up when you "slip"; we all give in to temptation time to time. What matters most is consistency -- as long as you're eating healthy most of the time, and get back right on track after your slip-up, you're doing great.

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