Diet Tips To Suppress Your Appetite Naturally

news / 2013-03-10

How to curb overeating and lose weight without resorting to diet pills.
If you're guilty of overeating, it's easy to pack on the pounds. And when that happens, we all know how tempting it can be to reach for the latest diet pills -- whether it's Hoodia gordonii or green coffee bean extract -- that promise quick weight loss. But are these appetite suppression pills really any good? The short answer: No.

"There are little or no rigorous data addressing the efficacy of these sorts of compounds," says Timothy Garvey, M.D., professor of University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Department of Nutrition Sciences. "People buying these products are likely to be wasting money."

Instead, if you want to curb overeating, there are natural yet effective approaches you can take to suppress your appetite. Try these steps to reset your hunger clock:

Start your day with protein

"It has long been suggested that people eat breakfast to help with hunger throughout the day, but your breakfast must have protein," says UAB Wellness Director Lauren Whitt, Ph.D. "Egg whites or low-fat yogurt are excellent sources of protein that will keep you feeling fuller longer because it takes the body more time to digest and absorb them."

Load up on fiber

Fiber in foods provide bulk which will fill you up on fewer calories. Aim for 25 to 30 g of fiber per day. Rich sources include wholewheat bread, oatmeal, vegetables (artichoke, broccoli, turnip greens), fruits (pear and apple with skin) and legumes and beans (lentils, black beans, baked beans).

Eat some (unsaturated) fat

Have a portion of an unsaturated fat on hand before mid-afternoon hunger strikes. "Oleic acid, which is found in unsaturated fats, helps quell hunger," Whitt explains. "It may sound counterintuitive, but this is healthy fat, so snack on a couple tablespoons of peanut butter or an ounce of nuts."

Have a grapefruit

"Eating grapefruit between meals, or with a meal, helps lower the insulin levels in your body," says Whitt. "Insulin regulates your blood sugar and fat metabolism, so keeping insulin levels in check helps you fight the urge to grab a quick, sugary snack."

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