Get More Out Of Your Workout

7 fitness strategies from the experts.

Working out requires a lot of your most valuable resources -- time and energy. But when you're running low on both, how can you get the best out of your workout? Seven fitness strategies from the experts:

Plan ahead

Before each training session, plan exactly what your workout will consist of and follow the program. Know how much time you intend to spend on a cardio machine, what exercises you are going to perform, exact number of sets and repetitions and the amount of weight you plan to use. You'll save time by writing everything down in a workout log and making any necessary adjustments as you progress in training.

Stay hydrated

Having a water bottle handy helps you stay hydrated during your workout. Plus, you don't have to waste your time standing in line at the water fountain. Drinking plenty of water before, during and after you work out is extremely important because even a slight dehydration by just two percent will reduce your strength and endurance by up to 20 percent. That means you will have less energy to workout and will also feel tired and sore afterwards.

Do weight-training

If you want to burn calories for hours after your workout and increase your metabolism for many more days to come, include some kind of weight-training in your routine. Many women skip weight-training because they're worried about bulking up like a bodybuilder. But unless your full-time job is pumping iron, this is very unlikely to happen. Lifting weights a few times a week actually helps firm up the lesser toned areas, so you'll build a slim and strong physique.

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