
Its cause is uncertain, and there is currently no cure. Learn more about this auto-immune disorder.
Often termed a "woman's disease", lupus occurs 10-12 times more frequently among adult females than adult males. With different symptoms, an unknown cause and no cure, lupus is one of the most difficult diseases to live with.

What is Lupus?
Lupus is a chronic disease that wreaks havoc on a person's immune system. It causes an autoimmune response - large quantities of blood proteins called antibodies are produced that react against the body's own tissues.

Immune System and Antibodies
Normally, our body's immune system makes antibodies to protect us against viruses, bacteria and other foreign substances (antigens).
But in the case of lupus, the immune system loses ability to differentiate between these antigens and the body's own cells. These antibodies then react with the body's own antigens, resulting in an auto-immune response which can lead to inflammation.

Depending on where the antibodies are deposited, lupus can affect different parts of the body, especially the skin, joints, blood and kidney. Due to the many symptoms of lupus, diagnosis can be rather difficult.
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