Preventing Falls in the Elderly

How you can help prevent your aging parents from accidental falls.
With old age brings a number of concerns, including the deterioration of vision, muscles and bones. Even balance can be affected by conditions such as diabetes, strokes or osteoarthritis, which is why the elderly has a much higher risk of falls and fractures. Here are some home safety measures and prevention steps you can take to prevent your aging folks from falling accidents.

Fall-Proofing Your Home

  • Bathroom. The bathroom is one of the common areas of falls. You can reduce the risk of accidental falls by placing non-slip mats and installing grab bars by the toilets and in the shower and tub.

  • Living room. Use non-slip rugs and doormats, and avoid placing shag carpeting which can cause falls by getting caught on shoes, toenails and walkers. Arrange furniture to open up pathways, and make sure no electrical cords and small items are left lying on the floor - children's toys can be deadly fall traps.

  • Kitchen. Place frequently-used items on the low shelves, within easy reach.

  • Bedroom. Consider installing a night-light, or place light switches within reach of the bed.

  • Stairways. Keep the stairs clutter-free. Install handrails on either or both sides of the stairs.

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