Uterine Fibroids

What are fibroid tumors and how to treat them.

Fibroid symptoms

Most uterine fibroids are small and do not produce any symptoms. In fact, many women with fibroids do not know that they have fibroids until that have ultrasound scans.

The symptoms, if any, depend on the size and location of the fibroids. Symptoms include heavy menstruation (menorrhagia), severe menstrual cramps, pelvic pain as well as urinary tract infections and constipation.

Fibroids and pregnancy

Most fibroids do not affect pregnancy. However, they may grow due to high oestrogen levels during pregnancy. Thus, they may cause discomfort. Occasionally, fibroids may overgrow their own blood supple and start to degenerate, which can cause severe abdominal pain and fever and will require emergency treatment.

Depending upon the uterine location, fibroids may sometimes interfere with the ability to get pregnant or cause miscarriage, or even interfere with birthing if it blocks the birth canal. If this is the case, your doctor may recommend a caesarean section.

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