Miscarriage Myths Every Mom-to-Be Should Know

10 common misinformation surrounding pregnancy losses.

Myth 5:

Sex during pregnancy will cause a miscarriage.

Fact: Lovemaking has no adverse effect on your baby as long as your pregnancy is proceeding normally. You may experience spotting after sex, but this is simply because your cervix is very tender and sensitive. Still, if you're concerned or if your pregnancy is high-risk, ask your health care provider if it's okay to have sex.

Myth 6:

Exercising will increase your risk of a miscarriage.

Fact: In a healthy first trimester pregnancy, exercising will not cause a miscarriage if you are working out within your fitness level (your doctor can determine your limit). In fact, a moderate workout is actually beneficial for you and your baby.

Exercise is only dangerous if you raise your heart rate excessively. For example, if you're not in a good shape to begin with and you attempt overly-strenuous exercises, the physical exertion will direct blood flow away from the placenta toward the muscles in the limbs and heart, and may cause a miscarriage. If you are in your second or third trimester, consult your doctor before embarking on an exercise program because physical activity during the late stages of pregnancy may have detrimental effects.

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