5 Healthy Fat Loss Supplements

Health supplements that have fat-loss benefits!

4. Whey Protein Isolate

To increase the metabolic rate, lean proteins should be consumed at the amount of 1-1.5 grams per pound of lean bodyweight. Sometimes it is easier to get the protein you need in the form of whey isolate. Whey protein isolate is a great source of essential amino acids. Essential Amino Acids are building blocks for healthy muscles, skin, nails and other body tissues.

Whey protein is a naturally complete protein containing all of the essential amino acids. This makes it perfect in helping improve body composition. It also has the highest known levels of any natural food source of branched chain amino acids (BCAAs). BCAA are really effective when you are doing resistance training for fat loss (or for any reason) because they are metabolized directly into muscle tissue making them the first ones used.

Whey protein is an excellent source of leucine, which promotes muscle protein synthesis and growth. Some studies have shown that among people who exercise, those with diets high in leucine have more lean muscle tissue and less bodyfat compared to their lower level counterparts.

Whey protein isolate has very little to no fat or carbohydrates. The body requires more energy to digest protein than other foods causing a thermogenic effect. This, in turn, enables your body to burn more calories following a protein meal.

Protein reduces hunger by lowering insulin levels, making it easier for the body to burn fat. Whey protein also contains components that aid in stimulating the release of cholecystokinin and glucagons-like peptide, two appetite suppressing hormones. Therefore, having whey protein with a meal may help in curbing hunger at the next meal.

Other research has shown that whey protein may help in battling hypertension, elevated cholesterol, bone loss prevention and wound healing. Also, whey protein is a good choice for those managing type-2 diabetes as it is lower in fat and cholesterol than many proteins as well as its properties in controlling blood glucose levels.
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